Just a way for me to rant and rave a bit as things happen. Just one of billions of lifeforms on this little blue planet. Previous Posts
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Sunday, April 09, 2006
Believe Or DieWell I finally got myself out of the house for a bit. It seems more and more I have become somewhat of a hermit. I go to work, come home tired and then just hang out until time for bed. Boring, well... yes. K has been in the same mood. It is really funny how we play off each other that way. When one of us wants to stay in the other does too. The problem of late is that neither of us has been wanting to go out. Friends call, yet inevitably we turn them down and just stay in. Having had a bad cold the past couple of weeks of course hasn't helped the situation much. With K working in a retail environment, he is much more inclined to just stay home. I tend to start going a bit stir crazy after a while. But eventually I drag myself down to the local java joint, just so I can get around people for a bit. One of the biggest things we have going against us right now is that we don't have the same days off. It's hard for me to go out in the middle of the week and then have to get up early in the morning and drag mire tired ass into the office. He is the same way on weekends. I blame it on us just getting older and no longer having the ability to rebound as quickly as when we we were in our twenties, but honestly I think it more just laziness. However this "laziness" is having an affect of isolating us more and more. Friends are calling less to try and get us out. That is what really sucks. I don't always feel like going out, but still want them to call and offer! Isn't that sad? LOL! Maybe it is the weather. Hopefully with the warmer weather coming we will find our way out of this funk.Several thoughts rambling around the little grey cells this week. This whole thing the past few weeks about the Afghan dude who converted to Christianity and was up against a death sentence for doing so. There are a couple parts to this whole thing I think a fucked up. Now in my opinion, any religion that controls by force is NOT a religion born of the creator I believe in. Many religions are like this and I don't mean to single out Islam. However...having a religious law saying that if your turn from the faith your are to be put to death is not something commanded by God. It is simply a way for the leaders of the religion to maintain control over their followers. I mean come on, why would God need humans to put to death another human simply because they chose not to believe. God wouldn't need people to do that. He could very easily drop a meteor on us; hit us with lightning, or any other millions of ways to knock us off. It is very presumptuous of us to believe that we can judge better than God. Religions have for centuries used these so called "laws" as nothing more than mind control in order to keep certain individuals in the leadership and places of power. Controlling ones faith or belief system is the ultimate in power. The old saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". The second part to this that I find humorous is the Conservative Christian response to it. They were absolutely outraged that the Afghan government was contemplating executing this guy for converting to their religion. Cries of barbarism and brutality became their rallying cries as they voiced their outrage to our government. A government which in turn put pressure on the Afghan regime to drop the case on a "technicality". What really gets me is that these are the same individuals who wish to create laws to enforce their "view" of the world. Uggggghhh.... Land of the free? Hmmmm...Not sure if that is the case anymore. Maybe it is time to make the move to the Great White North, eh? Went out today and bought K an Ibook. Yes, I actually crossed over to the dark side. Apple. OMG, I still can't believe it. Anyway, K will now be able to link the keyboard to Garageband. Works pretty cool actually. In fact I was pretty surprised at the whole setup. Hooking it into the network was a snap! (crackle, pop). Still can't see myself tasting the forbidden fruit though. Yikes. For those of you that know me well, you know that I have one twisted, fucked up, warped sense of humor. Case in point, my favorite performer, Stephen Lynch. Now if you have never checked this dude out click here and check out a clip of one of his songs. Or check out his website at http://www.stephenlynch.com. Not only is he one sexy mother fucker, but he is twisted as fuck. He rocks. ![]() |