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Location: Denver, Colorado

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

link | posted by Slyder at 10:24 PM
0 Beach bums have written in the sand

Is it time for a vacation yet?

Yes, I know, I know...I am a blog slacker. However I really just haven't had much of interest to post. Work has been nuts and that has been taking the bulk of my time. I am actually getting a vacation here soon! Woohoo! Not exactly when I had hoped to take one though. It seems that every time I put in to take a week, something at work has come up. I have actually been accused recently of being a workaholic. Not really, just that there has been so much going on at work that even my weekends have been spent just trying to catch up on all my projects. I think I was hitting close to 80 hour work weeks the past month. Even got myself so worn down I picked up a frakkin head cold. Ugh...Wish I was back in Homo, I mean Hono!

Anyway, I finally got around to developing a roll of film from Hawaii this past Feb. Played around a couple weeks ago with some of those shots and some video we took and threw a little project together. Don't laugh too hard. I know it's pretty dumb, but for only about 40 minutes worth or work, I was pretty happy. Enjoy. And no, that isn't me at the start. In fact I'm only in one of the pictures I think. Anyway, here it is. LOL

link | posted by Slyder at 10:04 PM
1 Beach bums have written in the sand