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Saturday, March 11, 2006

Fighting Colds and Cylons

I frakking HATE getting sick. I am the biggest baby when I don't feel good. Right now I am fighting a cold and it really sucks. But enough about that.

It has been a while since I blogged. I'm getting lazy. That plus work has been out of control. Had to go out of town last week and do training sessions. The trip wasn't all that bad, except we had to drive. 1100 miles in all. It wouldn't have been so bad if our schedule hadn't been so tight. It was up at 5:30 am and then by the time we would have dinner and make it to the next hotel it was 9 pm. Barely enough time to iron up clothes for the next day and then try and unwind a bit with some TV and catch some shut eye before we were up again. Usually I love road trips. But not ones where there is no time to relax and see some sights.

This week it was back to the routine, but now I was a week behind in all the shit I needed to get done. I think the drain of not enough rest just caught up with me. Ugh.... I am ready for another vacation.

Other than all the work, it has been pretty boring. Looks like our friend Johnny will finally be moving back to town and will be rooming with us for a while. We have an extra room and the fact that we all get along so good and he works for an airline and won't be in town much, will make this roommate situation not too bad I hope. K and I don't have the biggest of places. Just a two bedroom condo, so it may be a bit tight. But the extra $$$ will really help us in paying off some bills. And, best of all he is a Galactica fan.

I've never watched a show that has so captured my interest. Friday night has become a ritual for us to get together and watch all the hotties fighting the toasters. But last night was the season end. No more new episodes until OCTOBER! What the frak is up with that? They do like 10 episodes then take several months off. Just wrong! If you haven't seen this show on SciFi, it is absolutely incredible. Several of the episodes have parallel real world events. But sometime the show just plain pisses me off. It is one thing that they keep killing off cast members and now they fucking jump a year into the future and once again the world comes crashing down. Fuck, I am going to need some anti anxiety pills just to keep watching this show. Everyone is turning out to be a damn Cylon too. I'm even starting to look at people in the real world a little differently. I wouldn't be surprised if Bush is a Cylon. By your command, Imperious Leader.

link | posted by Slyder at 2:22 PM


Blogger DAIGLE commented at 3/12/2006 04:28:00 PM~  


1. BSG does have the best guys on it.

2. Do what I have done now since the season ended watch the 1975ish version of the series. Low tech sorta like star wars but a little more detail into the story line. less visual effects means more dialogue.

3. Bush is a toaster Fraking monkey has a glitch though.

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