Just a way for me to rant and rave a bit as things happen. Just one of billions of lifeforms on this little blue planet. Previous Posts
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
To The New Year AheadWow, another year has come and gone. It amazes me how fast time is going by the older I get. Why is it when your small, time does nothing but crawl; but when your older, and you really WANT time, it flies by?As corny as it sounds, I always take some time on the last day of the year to reflect on my previous year. What I am thankful for, what I accomplished, what I didn't and where I need to improve. Started doing that in Junior High and for some reason it always stuck. Funny when I think about the process though, what exactly do I do with the information? Not much, I store it in my brain with all good intentions for improvement. Yet I do it. In a way though, it allows me to cleanse for the New Year. A way of making sure I remain grateful for the good that has happened. So for the first time, I am going to share part of this.
Here is to everyone; hoping you all have a wonderful, safe New Year's and the hope that you all find better days. Peace.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Bored Out Of My MindOk, so I'm having one of those days. I just cannot get myself motivated. Not that I have nothing to do mind you. I just have no desire to be here. It could be the post Christmas blues, the fact it is beautiful outside and I am stuck in a windowless office, or the fact that I am the only one of my group not on vacation this week. Whatever the cause, this day is taking forever.More and more I want a change. Not so much a job change, but more of a location change. I miss the ocean. Odd statement for a guy that grew up in the Rockies. I spent some time living right by the beach after college and I guess I never really got over that. I do love the mountains though, but there is just something about the tropics that I love. Florida or Hawaii would be the best. Not to dis Cali, but I really do prefer warm water. I actually found myself job surfing for a bit, daydreaming of a big move. I think more of this has to do with the shitty few months I've had lately more than anything else. Being sick and then having a total lack of money has pushed me into my happy place. It's my coping mechanism. I'm trying to get excited about the Hawaii trip coming up but also longing for it to be a permanent move rather than just a temporary escape. I've already begun thinking about how in the hell I can justify this trip financially. Ugh... I need to get out of this slump. The trip itself will be a blast. K and I are going with a few friends this time that will make it all the more special. Hard to believe it is only a few weeks away. Arranging this whole little adventure has been hard. We still haven't made our hotel selection yet. Getting everyone together to decide these things isn't easy. More than likely K and I will make the plans and then just let everyone pitch in. That won't be too bad since we will end up picking what we like. Having gone the past few years we have some good ideas of where we want to stay. The whole catch to this thing is that everyone is flying down on passes and that means "stand by". Usually the flights are pretty booked but the past couple of years we went, they have been wide open. So far, they still are. But they can fill up at the last minute. We will get there, I just hope it works for when we have the hotel reserved. I've never gone stand-by before with more than just the two of us. But I am optimistic it will all work out.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Ho, Ho, Ho![]()
Friday, December 09, 2005
Friday RamblesSo I am coming out of Best Buy (geek boy heaven) and pass this nice looking couple speaking Russian. The first thing that goes through my mind, "Speak English, damn it!" "This is fucking America your living in you commie bastards!" I mean I even may have muttered it out loud. I actually started laughing on the way back to my truck. Not at them but of my reaction. I don't even know these people, let alone their political beliefs. What exactly is wrong with people coming here and speaking their native tongue? We don't have a large Russian population here by any means. We have more Hispanic more than any other group. I see Hispanic people speaking Spanish all the time and I don't react like this. The reason? Simple, I couldn't understand them. Though not fluent, I know Spanish. But not Russian. Even so, is this a reason to lash out? Well yes Mary Ellen, it is. You see ever since I have been small, I have always summed people up when I first hear them speak. (It has to do with this one little rebel brain cell I have. But enough about that.) As I grew older I learned to also pay attention to what is being said. I will create their entire life history in my mind based on 30 seconds of conversation. This life history will then go and be cross-checked against my "Do I want to be around you" meter. If I can't understand what they are saying, then I simply have no use for the person. Evil, possibly, but hardly malicious. Besides, I cannot believe I am the only one around that does this. Everyone judges others to some degree. That is God's intention. Just ask the evangelical Christians. Ok, enough of that... Onward people...so little to do and so much time.I can't believe it is already Friday. I've been on vacation this week and it has just flown by. This was one of those, "use it or lose it" vacations. Kind of last minute so we didn't have anything planned. In fact, I didn't do anything of interest all week. LOL. I slept, played X-Box, and played with the dog. I still am not use to having time off while K works. I was good to rest and get away from work for a while though. Johnny boy is coming in to stay with us this weekend so that will liven things up a bit. T will be over tonight too to hang out. Triskal wants to hang with us tomorrow too. It will be cool to have the whole group back together. I should be home cleaning like a good boy, but still in my lazy mode I am sitting here at the java shack. Think I was just getting a little stir crazy. It's all good though. Figure I'll have to clean again once everyone leaves, so why do it twice? LOL! I have gotten so lazy. We really do need a houseboy! One last note, two months left till Hawaii!!! I can't fucking wait! I am sick of this cold fricken weather. I can almost taste those Hula's Mai Tais! ![]()
Saturday, December 03, 2005
It's Finally Winter!It is finally winter. It started snowing about 11:30 last night. We have had it really good so far. Snow all around the city, but we have remained dry. Only ended up with about 2 inches, but it was nice. About 12:30 last night, some alarm outside started going off. It sounded like an alarm clock. Beeb, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Almost like the annoying sound on trucks when they back up. Anyway, this goes on for about 30 frakin minutes. Next thing I know, fire trucks are pulling up outside. Turns out it was a fire alarm. A few minutes later the hottie fireman are knocking on doors asking if we had an alarm going off. Here I am standing in nothing but briefs, answering the door for 3 gorgeous fireboys in all their gear. Well, we weren't on fire, but it sure did get me a little hot seeing that. Luckily, after they checked the building it wasn't a fire, just someone's unit alarm going off. With all the late night excitement and the nice snowy night, sure made for a great morning to sleep in.Spoke to my dad in Montana today. They have been pounded with snow. They have 4 feet so far this week, not counting the drifts. Guess I should count myself lucky I don't have to deal with all that snow. I love being snowed in though. Nothing better than having it just dump snow when you can stay in and enjoy it. Get a nice fire going in the fireplace, curl up with some cocoa and schnapps with my hunnie and watch movies. Nothing better! Here is something Dad sent me today. He cracks me up! ![]() |