Just a way for me to rant and rave a bit as things happen. Just one of billions of lifeforms on this little blue planet. Previous Posts
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Sunday Distractions
(I never realized I was that mellow)
(But I always knew I'd make an awesome evil dictator!)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I think spring is almost here!!Hard to believe that it was over 60 degrees outside the last couple of days after our winter from hell. We are still getting our weekly storms, but for the past few weeks they have been small and we have been graced with warm temps between them. We were suppose to get a good one today, but it decided to head east and left only a dusting. In fact for a couple of weeks now we have seen the ground and the last few days, only scattered patches remain in the death grip with the ground. After 60 some odd days of snow covered ground, Rusty isn’t quite use to the earth again on our walks. It is pretty funny to watch him seek out a patch of snow to potty on. In one respect it is like even he is tired of winter and expressing his thoughts on the matter. More likely, he was probably just conditioned to going on the snow and is now confused as to where to go. Either way, it is funny to watch the “seek and destroy” mission happen. I’d post a pic of it, but that is just kinda sick. Of course that kind of sick shit is what makes me laugh. But I’ll be kind.So here I am again spending another exciting Saturday night in the java hut. Oh well, it gets me out of the house. It really does suck to have the other half working on my days off. But it does give me some time to try and get caught up on email, work stuff, and of course trying to do the occasional blog post all while watching the twinks meet up for their hot night on the town. Frak I’m getting old lol. Triskal was in here tonight too. Guess he has been here all day studying. On his way out he texted me to say that I was sitting next to his ex from last semester. Triskal is one of those guys that you just can’t figure out. Whenever he is not dating he always wants to be in a relationship. Yet if someone falls head over heels for him while dating, he wants out. The ones he falls for are of course the ones that don’t want a relationship. As I type this, I am beginning to think he really isn’t all that different than most people. We all have fantasies of the perfect person. And some people enter relationships simply for the sake of not being alone. I’m not sure exactly why Triskal and this hot boy broke up. I’ve heard bits and pieces of it, but I really don’t want to know the dirt. With him working on his Master’s maybe taking a break from the relationship scene for a bit is a good thing. Also, I have my own relationship to concentrate on. Hard to believe that on the 1st we will have been together six years! It hasn't always been good times. Depression has been a third companion with us. The past couple years have been better though. The other half has been able to hold down a job and thanks to some good medical help, things have been better. There are grey skies though. The ever present cloud of doom thanks to this never ending war. While the Internet is a wonderful thing, sometimes it can add to the overwhelming influx of negativity. K gets wrapped up in reading all kinds of crap predicting the end of the world. He is convinced we are going to nuke Iran. He could be right, but once he reads something that predicts an actual date of this supposed apocalypse, he is convinced it will happen. I have almost gotten to the point of disconnecting the Internet and cable. But that isn't the answer. It lays more in getting back into life and not taking everything you read as gospel. Hard for someone raised with the fire and brimstone of the evangelicals. Now I for one think we should have nuked that whole area long ago. Turned the entire Middle East into glass. Then go back in annex the place and pump all the oil we want. But I mostly keep that to myself so as to not cause more stress. Getting wrapped up in world events to this degree is just something I don't relate too. I guess that it's cause that damn renegade grey cell just can't sit still that long. Always distracting me. But for someone who does, it causes nightmares and daily obsession with reading the news. Yet throughout all this, K has managed to function and keep going to work with only the occasional stress attacks. Things have gotten better and they will continue to improve. I cling to this belief. It is the one thing that has kept me going. Living for the hope of a good day to come around. K has been needing a vacation, so I'm thinking it's about time to head to the beach. Or a cruise. We haven't done that yet. That would be a nice distraction from things and let us both recharge and get re-focused on us. I've been putting it off for a couple months waiting to see how money is going to be, but I finally asked for some time off. Probably get it the first of April, but it will give us something to look forward to. We have been in the gloom for too long. Overheard at the Java Shack this week: One of the baristas to his bf,”There is nothing harder than serving the gays. Well except for working downtown. The suits are just assholes.”
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow![]() Who ever wrote that song should be shot. We have now had 7 straight weeks of snow. Storm after storm keeps paying us a visit rewarding us with several more inches each time. I'm over it. The last couple of storms have dropped anywhere from 1 to 4 or 5 inches. Really this isn't too bad compared to the first two that left a couple feet each go around. The weekly snow storms coupled with temps that refuse to ever rise above 40, just means that it keeps piling up. We finally got down to pavement on the streets, but once again it's gone. I still am cursing myself for our deciding to postpone our yearly Hawaii visit. Ugh. So instead I have become a travel channel addict. Right now I'm watching a show on cruises. Work continues to plug along. I have been fortunate that lately most of the storms have come on the weekend, so I can just stay in and stay warm. Today was an exception. A 15 minute drive home took an extra hour thanks to the superb conditions of our roads. Funny, now that I think about it, for the last couple of storms, they haven't even bothered to spray the roads with Mag Chloride. I guess they are just giving up trying to stay ahead of these things. K hasn't been so fortunate. Having days off during the week, means driving to and from work in the snow. Glad we have the new car. I think the whole city is getting a bit of cabin fever. Driving home today the weather guy said that finally a 70 degree day would be in our future! When you ask? Sometime in May...maybe! |